爱,死亡和机器人--《溺水的巨人》旁白_参观者_OF COURSE_马戏团

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The vast proportions of his features made it impossible to assess the age of the giant, but his classically modeled mouth and nose , suggest he had been a young man of discreet and modest temper.


It was a noble face, possessed of an ornate charm that belied the brutish power of the giant's physique.


His magnificent Homeric stature offered a more authentic example of a drowned Argonaut or a hero from The Odyssey, than the conventional human-sized portraitspreviously in my mind.


What I found so fascinating was partly his immense scale, of course, but above all, it was simply the categorical fact of his existence.


Whatever else in our lives might be open to doubt, this giant existed in an absolute sense... providing us a glimpse into a world of similar absolutes , in which we spectators on the beach were such imperfect and puny copies.


From a distance, it looked as if he was merely asleep, and could , at any moment, clap his heels together and crush the miniscule replicas of himself that swarmed around him.


But as time passed, the magical spell cast by the giant began to dissipate.


Three days passed before my next visit to the beach.


Sensing a particular interest in the giant, my associates at the institute delegated the task of keeping the giant under observation to me.


There was nothing morbid about this because, for all intents, the giant was still alive for me.. Indeed, more alive than many of the people around me ”这也没什么可怕的,因为不论怎样,巨人对我来说仍然活着,其实,他比我身边的很多人都要有活力。

No, it‘s not . This bastard’s big .lf the butchers start here, we can soon get access to the thigh bone. And we can work our way up to the hip. Going to be some overtime, getting this done.不不是的这家伙真大如果屠夫从这里开始我们很快就能到股骨那,然后就能一路到臀部了,肯定得加个班才能弄完了

Prolonged immersion in seawater and the tumefaction of his tissues had given the face a less youthful look. His features now had an appearance of well-fed maturity,hinting at the growing corruption to come.

长时间浸泡在海水里导致身体的组织肿胀 让他的脸渐渐失去了年轻的光泽,他的五官如今有了一种养尊处优的成熟感,也暗示着腐烂在慢慢扩散

This was the beginning of his surrender to that all-demanding system of time, in which the rest of humanity found itself.

这意味着 他开始对苛刻的时间系统投降,其余的人类也都在遵循这一系统

However repellent it may seem, this ceaseless metamorphosis,this visible life-in-death, is what gave me the courage to finally set foot on his corpse.


This new perspective made me more aware of the last physical agonies of the giant.


No less painful for his unawareness of them.

巨人感知不到这些痛苦 让我更是痛心

ln the end, his face had been transformed into a mask of exhaustion and helplessness.

到最后 他的脸变成了一张显示着疲惫和无助的面具

Caught in that same twisting whirlpool for which all our finite lives are destined.


And his suffering was made all the more tragic by the isolation in which he endured it.

他默默忍受的孤立 只是让他的痛苦更具有悲剧色彩

Cast like an abandoned ship upon the empty shore.

他就像一艘被抛弃的船一样 被搁浅在空荡荡的海滩上

The amputation was but the first of a series of depredations.


Two days had passed, while l struggled to overcome my reluctance ;to witness the end of this magnificent illusion.


Despite his immense size, these insults to the giant's body made him appear more human to me. More vulnerable


But that weakness has released a sudden flood of repressed spite, encouraging the mutilation of the colossus by the tiny creatures around it.

但这种脆弱导致受压抑的恶意洪流突然之间·煽动围在它身边的微小生物毁噬这一庞然大物* When l visited the beach the following day, l found, almost with relief, that the head had been removed.


Some weeks had lapsed before my next journey to the beach. And by then, any human likeness held by the giant had vanished.


And with the loss of those few remaining traces of personality that had clung tenuously to the figure, the interest of the spectators had, at last, expired.

残存不多的人类特征 轻飘飘地攀附在他的尸体上 随着这些特征逐渐消失 参观者的兴趣最终都消退了

Months later , after the giant's arrival had been generally forgotten, various pieces of the body began to reappear around town.


Most of those remains were bones.


These mighty yet disembodied fragments seem to better convey the essence of the giant's magnificence than my last memories of his bloated appendages.

这些威武但脱离肉体的残肢貌似比我最后 对他那浮肿的四肢的记忆能更有力地传达巨人的宏伟

l have no doubt that if l search the town's pubs, hotels , and eateries, I'd also find the mummified nose or ears of the giant hanging on walls and fireplaces.


As for the immense pizzle , this ends its days in the freak museum of a small circus, which travels up and down the northwest coast.


That monumental apparatus, stunning in its proportions and once potency, occupies a complete tent to itself, though, sadly, it is mislabeled as belonging to a whale.


Even those who came and saw the giant after the storm now remember him, if at all, as merely a large sea beast.


But the giant is still alive for me , I often dream of his resurrection .A colossus striding through the streets of town ,picking up the fragments of himself on his return journey to the sea.

但在我眼里巨人还活着,我经常梦到他复活 一个巨物大步穿过小镇的街道,在他返回海洋之前收集自己的各块碎片

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