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As the pogrom against the Jedi intensified, the collaborationist Senator for Kuat, Viqi Shesh, revealed the location of the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 to the Yuuzhan Vong. The Peace Brigade and a small Yuuzhan Vong force invaded Yavin 4, intent on reshaping the academy students into Force-wielding Yuuzhan Vong. Without permission, Anakin Solo set off on his own to rescue the students, arriving as the attack commenced.The Kushiban Jedi Master Ikrit was killed as the students were forced to flee and Solo's childhood friend Tahiri Veila was captured and subjected to the Shaper caste's experiments. Solo joined forces with Vua Rapuung, a Yuuzhan Vong Shamed One, to rescue Veila, while Rapuung aimed to redeem himself by confronting the Master Shaper Mezhan Kwaad who had intentionally shamed him in order to conceal her heretical beliefs.


The pair found the already partially-altered Veila and exposed Kwaad, who was placed under arrest for heresy. Kwaad killed her guards and attempted to escape, but was cut down by Veila. Rapuung, his honor restored, was mortally wounded while helping the two Jedi escape Yavin 4. A new heretical movement that would spread among the Shamed Ones and Worker caste, Jeedai heresy, was born as a result of his sacrifice.


The conquest of Hutt Space


In response to their duplicity surrounding Fondor, Choka moved swiftly to exact revenge on the Hutts, thereby diverting criticism of him for the heavy casualties under his command. Choka's fleet arrayed itself over Nal Hutta, and initiated a blockade of the Hutt capital, along with the Smugglers' Moon, Nar Shaddaa. The system was placed under a state of siege—the Hutts could rely on no New Republic aid after their double-dealing, and were soon mired in fighting of a scale unseen since the war with Xim or the Hutt Cataclysms. Choka's adversary, Borga the Hutt, defended the capital with only the support of half the kajidics, a force unable to contend with the size of the Yuuzhan Vong armada. With no space fleet threatening his position, Choka ordered Nal Hutta and its moon to be re-created. Both were remotely bombarded with missiles packed with biotoxins and bacterial agents. While Nal Hutta, a world of bogs and muddy marshes, was seen as pestilent, Nar Shaddaa, as an ecumenopolis, was viewed as a religious abomination. Some of the microbes broke down the duracrete on the moon into sand, digesting the buildings. Others attacked metal and transparisteel; the high towers of Smugglers' Moon began to crumble and fall. Further bacteria attacked the Hutts themselves—those who had remained—and wiped out the crime lords in their palaces. Some of the Hutts were told they were welcome to serve the Yuuzhan Vong,while others were not as fortunate, such as the Besadii.Those of the clan who could escape fled to the worlds of Gamorr and Tatooine, long recognized as Hutt holdings.


Meanwhile, Borga the Hutt attempted to open negotiations with Warmaster Lah in order to win some conscessionas while it was still possible. The Hutt asked for Tatooine to remain in the hands of the Hutts, but ultimately trade talks failed,and the Hutts prosecuted a fierce resistance campaign against their onetime allies.The Yuuzhan Vong also took the planet Ylesia, once a major Besadii holding and, having killed the Hutt administrator and accepted the government's capitulation, grew yammosks in its oceans and allowed the Peace Brigade to use the planet as their headquarters. The world became a police state.


Supplied by their smuggler contacts such as Booster Terrik, the Hutts made Choka's campaign difficult,and the long, exhausting struggle to take over such a large area of the galaxy raised the Supreme Commander's status considerably.The Hutts successfully used ancient war-robots from the time of Xim against the Yuuzhan Vong for a time,and a resistance group, the Sisar Runners, was subsequently formed under the leadership of the Hutt Embra. Having formed a coalition of displaced crime lords who wanted to take their territory back from the Yuuzhan Vong, Embra hired mercenaries and other out of work fringers in his quest to reclaim Hutt Space. Choka ordered a portion of his forces to travel to an abandoned Trade Federation battleship drifting near Ylesia, where a cell of Klatooinian mercenaries was striking from; Choka wanted them exterminated. The Yuuzhan Vong fought through forces of old battle droids successfully and terminated the mercenaries, but learned that Embra had not fled Hutt Space, but was hiding in the deepest bowels of Nar Shaddaa. Choka dispatched his men and a number of Chazrach slaves to find and kill Embra. The Hutt's forces managed to outwit them, destroying the controller for the Chazrachs, and Embra ultimately survived, as did her resistance group.


The fall of Coruscant


"The end of the world. Who'd've thought we'd live to see it?"

Han Solo



The attack on Yavin 4 may have been a deliberate provocation to end the cease-fire;however, it ended decisively with the Yuuzhan Vong attack on Yag'Dhul at the end of 26 ABY. With Anor's advice, Lah aimed to take the strategic hyperspace crossroads of the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine at Yag'Dhul, and from there move on to poison the bacta fields of Thyferra. However, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Corran Horn were present for the attack and foiled it.


With Jedi starfighter raids out of Eclipse proving a nuisance, the Yuuzhan Vong moved to distract the Jedi: they intercepted a commercial liner on which two Jedi, the Rar sisters, were hiding. To track down the Jedi, the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed their newest weapon; a voxyn. The voxyn killed Alema Rar's sister as the Jedi escaped. Voxyn were smuggled onto a number of worlds deep in New Republic space, including Corellia, where one slew Jedi Master Eelysa. Leia and Han Solo managed to stop an attempt at smuggling voxyn onto Coruscant.In response, a Jedi strike team led by Anakin Solo, and consisting of Jacen and Jaina Solo, Lowbacca, Tenel Ka, and Zekk, among others, went to Myrkr and destroyed the voxyn breeding facility, though most of the team was slain. Anakin himself died while covering the retreat of the remaining Jedi, his body overwhelmed with Force energy as he achieved oneness with the Force. Jacen Solo was captured by the Yuuzhan Vong after he successfully killed the voxyn queen.


With the Jedi distracted and the New Republic fleet believing that the Yuuzhan Vong were planning to attack the Core from the south, Warmaster Lah was ready to attack the galactic capital of Coruscant in 27 ABY. Initiating Battle Plan Coruscant, Lah smashed through the Northern Line at Bilbringi and Borleias, capturing systems such as Reecee as preliminaries to a pincer movement on the capital.


Sovv concentrated three fleet groups above Coruscant. Information from Han Solo allowed him to destroy the second-largest Yuuzhan Vong fleet, advancing from Reecee, in a battle at the Black Bantha protostar, but the main Yuuzhan Vong force advanced too quickly for the Republic. They emerged above Coruscant, with the defensive minefields doing little damage. The attackers used refugee ships to bombard the planetary shield until it collapsed, then attacked the planet's surface. The Republic commanders struggled against the onslaught, unwilling to fire on the refugee ships. Eventually Garm Bel Iblis did so, causing conflict with the other commanders and weakening Coruscant's defense.


The treacherous Senator Shesh attempted to kidnap Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker's baby son Ben. However, this was foiled by Leia and her Noghri bodyguards, and Shesh was wounded in the process. Han and Leia then attempted to save Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, but he dispatched them to rescue Luke and Mara instead. Fey'lya then confronted Tsavong Lah's subordinate Commander Romm Zqar, detonating a bomb that killed himself, twenty-five thousand Yuuzhan Vong warriors, and destroyed much of the Imperial Palace.


The Yuuzhan Vong captured Coruscant after a long battle and Republic forces scattered across the galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong began Vongforming the planet and renamed it Yuuzhan'tar after their old home world.


The Republic in crisis


Defense at Borleias


With the capture of Coruscant, the New Republic effectively ceased to exist as a functioning state. In the aftermath of Coruscant's fall, Fleet Group Three, retreating from Coruscant under the command of General Wedge Antilles, attacked and retook the lightly-defended Borleias from the Yuuzhan Vong. Antilles planned to use the Pyria system as a waystation for refugees fleeing Coruscant, and soon afterwards, the remnants of the New Republic's government led by Senator Pwoe arrived. With Borsk Fey'lya's death, Pwoe had proclaimed himself Chief of State in the chaos that had followed Coruscant's fall, and he commanded Antilles to hold the system in a delaying action until the Advisory Council could evacuate to Kuat.


The Myrkr strike team, meanwhile, fled to Tenel Ka's homeworld of Hapes. Jaina Solo was reunited with her friend Jagged Fel and the group became embroiled in Ta'a Chume's plot to replace the current Queen Mother Teneniel Djo with Jaina Solo.At the same time, an invasion force led by Tsavong Lah's son Khalee Lah invaded the Hapes Consortium. Although Chume succeeded in assassinating the Queen Mother, Tenel Ka took command and led the Hapes forces to victory in the Battle of Hapes. Khalee Lah was killed in the battle, and Chume was arrested.


At Borleias, Antilles led an epic defense of the system, assisted by Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, and many of the pilots whom he had led in the capture of the planet from the Empire many years earlier. With the aid of the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Lusankya, they repelled two Yuuzhan Vong assault fleets, one led by Wyrpuuk Chaand another by Czulkang Lah, father to the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster. In days of fighting, Antilles inflicted extreme casualties on the Yuuzhan Vong attackers, culminating in Operation Emperor's Spear, the use of the Lusankya as a sacrificial ramship to destroy the Domain Hul worldship commanding Vong forces.


The tactical victory at Borleias proved to have great political importance, as it gave credibility to New Republic politicians such as Cal Omas, who were determined to continue the war, and discredited the defeatist politics of Pwoe.


The Republic regroups


The New Republic regrouped on the traditional Rebel redoubt of Dac in the Calamari sector, although the self-elected Chief of State Pwoe remained on Kuat. Sovv remained in command of the Defense Force, and his staff quickly concluded that the Yuuzhan Vong had taken unsustainable losses in the conquest of Coruscant, and were now committed to defending exposed positions in the Core Worlds.


Despite the growing stresses of maintaining such a large empire, to many the Yuuzhan Vong still appeared to be unbeatable: planets that were not conquered outright often capitulated, or collapsed internally due to the efforts of collaborators. At this time, the Yuuzhan Vong controlled most of the Core, the Inner Rim, and the galactic eastern area of the Mid and Outer Rims. The New Republic was reduced to a wedge of the southwest Outer Rim, a small pocket connecting Kashyyyk and Mon Calamari, the Deep Core, and other minor areas. With its numbers shrinking from the past years of war, the New Republic now was being faced with unified forces as their enemies conquered more and more planets.


The last months of 27 ABY and the beginning of 28 ABY were dominated by the reconstruction and reorganization of the New Republic Defense Force while the Yuuzhan Vong fortified the Core. Meanwhile, Grand Master Skywalker led a mission to occupied Coruscant where a team of Jedi confronted and killed the dark Jedi Irek Ismaren, dubbed "Lord Nyax". During the mission, Senator Shesh committed suicide when confronted by her enemies.


Throughout this conflict, many believed that Jacen Solo, who was captured at Myrkr, was dead. Jacen's mother, Leia Organa Solo, did not believe this and felt that Jacen was still alive somewhere, though many, such as Jacen's sister, Jaina, insisted to Leia that Jacen was dead. It was soon revealed that Jacen was alive but was being held on Coruscant by the former Jedi Vergere.Vergere taught Jacen of different aspects of the Force, which he used to gain control of the future World Brain, a Yuuzhan Vong organism to be used to coordinate the terraforming of Coruscant. However, she also tortured him, putting him through the Embrace of Pain. Finally, the Yuuzhan Vong were convinced that Jacen had been turned to their side. This was a ruse, and when Jacen was ordered to kill Jedi prisoner Ganner Rhysode, he disobeyed and instead helped Ganner to escape. In an epic duel at the Well of the World Brain, in the ruins of the Senate Building, Ganner sacrificed himself to protect the altered World Brain and Jacen and Vergere escaped back to Republic space.


The election of 28 ABY


Within the New Republic government, Senator Pwoe's defeatist policies cost him much of his support and a new election for the position of Chief of State was held. Unlike previous elections, there was no clear winner and the four main candidates Cal Omas, Fyor Rodan, Cola Quis and Ta'laam Ranth prepared for the recount. Luke and the Jedi feared what would happen if the vehement anti-Jedi candidate Rodan was elected and favored Omas, who had been one of his greatest supporters under Fey'lya's government.


Attempting to break the impass, Omas offered Quis a seat on the Commerce Council in return for his support but this was still not enough to win the election. The arrival of the Smugglers' Alliance changed the election considerably as their leaders Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde decided to help Omas out and they made donations to some of Rodan's more questionable supporters. In the second vote, Omas and Rodan were level, leaving Ranth with the choice of who would be elected. Supreme Overlord Shimrra, fearing that Omas's election would ruin his plans for a quick victory, ordered that he should be assassinated.


The smugglers then made their move, persuading the Senators they had bribed to throw their support behind Omas and Ranth was convinced to back Omas for a seat on the Justice Council. It was then that the Yuuzhan Vong launched an attempt to kill Omas and his chief supporter Triebakk, but they were stopped by Mara Jade Skywalker. Omas won with a resounding victory and established the High Council and reorganized the New Republic to continue the war against the Yuuzhan Vong.


Taking the offensive


Hunting the Supreme Overlord


"Do not assume I am a fool! You have won your victories by sending your troops over a rampart of our own dead!"

―Shimrra Jamaane to Tsavong Lah



All was not going as well as hoped for the Yuuzhan Vong. The terraforming of Coruscant had been sabotaged by Jacen Solo when he escaped the planet with Vergere.Following a period of mourning, the Bothans declared a state of ar'krai genocide against the Yuuzhan Vong in retaliation for the death of Borsk Fey'lya. The Defense Force then prepared to attack the weary Yuuzhan Vong. Admiral Gial Ackbar, though retired and advanced in age, began advising the reforming Defense Force and its commanders on the best ways to take the fight to the Yuuzhan Vong. Fleets were reorganized and new units were trained and equipped. The former Supreme Commander invigorated the beings in the New Republic military, giving them back their pride and confidence.


The first major action of 28 ABY was a raid on Obroa-skai after the New Republic Intelligence Service received information that Supreme Overlord Jamaane was at last entering the galaxy proper. The NRI was mistaken, however, as Shimmra had already been slipped through to Coruscant in secret, and the raid resulted only in the death of Supreme Commander Komm Karsh. More devastating to the Yuuzhan Vong, however, were the materiel losses: the destruction of Karsh's worldship and two large troop transports represented the loss of the only strategic reserve the Yuuzhan Vong had had left from beyond the galaxy. From then on, the Yuuzhan Vong could expect no further assistance from beyond Vector Prime, as an enraged Jamaane pointed out to Warmaster Lah. At that same meeting, Master Shaper Ch'Gang Hool was duly executed by Shimmra for failing to bring the World Brain under control.


Republic forces launched several subsequent attacks on the Yuuzhan Vong, attacking Duro, Wayland, Bimmisaari, Gyndine and Nal Hutta, delivering numerous defeats to the Yuuzhan Vong. The victories tempered the rebuilt Defense Force and boosted morale.In a strategic assault on Ylesia, the Republic managed to destroy the Peace Brigade and capture its leaders Sal-Solo and Pwoe.


Alpha Red


As the war progressed toward a major clash between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong, a new weapon was revealed that sent terror into Luke and his Jedi Order. It was revealed that Dif Scaur, the Director of New Republic Intelligence, had employed Lurrian and Chiss scientists to develop the Alpha Red virus, a pathogen deadly to the Yuuzhan Vong, from the bafforr pollen that was discovered by the Jedi on Garqi.


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