双语阅读:《权力的游戏》中的8个最佳时尚穿搭_FIRST BLOOD_丹妮莉丝_琼恩·雪诺

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8 Best Game Of Throne Fashion Moments Of All Time


Daenerys’ white fur

Daenerys Targaryen is one character known to make an entrance, and her white fur coat definitely makes a statement whenever it makes an appearance. Not her usual scantily clothed look, Daeny pulls of this coat with fierce class and confidence.



Cersei’s leather gown

Worn the day she ascended to the Iron Throne, Cersei’s high- neck black leather gown is the embodiment of her main mission: power. This gown said to the world that she was triumphant over some bitter challenges, and would stop at nothing to accomplish her dreams.



Missandei’s crop top

Becoming one of Denery’s closest friends and confidants, Missandei began to emulate the style of the queen in season five. “Hardhome” saw the debut of a beautiful outfit worn by Missandei, with a regal blue crop top and long, flowing skirt.



Joffrey’s gold robe

Known for showing off his wealth with lavish outfits, Prince Joeffry’s luxurious gold robe worn for his wedding with Margaery Tyrell was nothing short of his usual air of aristocracy. His gold robe was accented by purple and black sashes, and matching purple-jeweled crown.



Margaery’s gold gilded vest

Margaery Tyrell has continued to bolster her political position on Game of Thrones. And as her character developed, so did her wardrobe choices. This includes a beautifully detailed outfit she wore in “The Wars to Come,” complete with a vest gilded in gold and burgundy fabric.



Khal Drogo’s shirtless first appearance

No one can forget when Khal Drogo made his debut in his first episode “First Blood.” His bare chest with streaked black paint down his shoulders and chest, with chunky leather bracelets and pants, set the tone for his ultimate warrior role.



Sansa’s fur cape

After a tumultuous journey of loss and grief from despair and family deaths by season seven, Sansa’s character is ready to take back control. She is also ready to increase her leadership role at Winterfell, and this is highlighted by “Stormborn” attire of a long dress with armored chest plates, and fierce black furred cape.



Jon Snow’s Night Watch cape

No one can forget Jon Snow’s memorable fur capes, but his uniform for Night Watch was especially dramatic and legendary. The monochromatic outfit is the perfect shade of dull black and brown, blending from fur and leather pieces to his dark brown hair and beard.



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